Nature is perfect. So why change it? The most bioavailable and nutrient dense vitamins already exist in nature! We put it in a capsule for you. While our ancestors often enjoyed these organs in the wild, we have lost touch with nature and the foods we were intended to thrive on. Wild Mamas returns you to the wild allowing you to express your fullest potential of vibrant health and wellness.
Vitamins are found in FOOD. That’s why all Wild Mamas products are literally, FOOD! And that’s it! Nothing added and nothing taken away. And the most powerful nutrient dense foods in nature are animal organs. With bison organs being at the top of the nutrient profile ounce per ounce. No other animal even compares to the wild bison in nutrient density. Organs are nature's original superfoods and nature's original multivitamin.
Wild Mamas utilizes the very foods eaten by our ancestors. The nutrition our bodies were genetically primed for. The foods that create new life. The food designed for our DNA. WILD MAMAS was created to take you back to the way we were. Let us guide you, as we journey back together. Back to the WILD.
Welcome to our tribe.
Our BISON are:
We have intentionally formulated our Wild Mamas supplements to offer you the FOODS we were created to consume.
~ Isadora Duncan